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The Philosophy of Pancasila by DR. Kaelan Pendidikan Pancasila by Kaelan Pendidikan Pancasila by DR. Kaelan Pancasila Dasar Negara Kursus Pancasila oleh Presiden Soekarno by Sukarno Mengenal Filsafat Pancasila Pendekatan Melalui Etika Pancasila by Sunoto Back to basics in Indonesia Reassessing the Pancasila and Pancasila State and society 1945 2007. by Seung Won Song Bibliografi Pancasila The Bibliography of Pancasila by Perpustakaan Nasional Pancasila budaya bangsa Indonesia penelitian Pancasila dengan pendekatan historis filosofis amp sosio yuridis kenegaraan by P.J. Suwarno Harapan Peluang Dan Tantangan Pembudayaan Nilai Nilai Pancasila Proceeding Kongres Pancasila III by Listiyono Santoso Ilmu Pancasila yuridis kenegaraan dan ilmu filsafat Pancasila by Sunarjo Wreksosuhardjo Ekonomi Sosialis Pancasila Vs Kapitalisme Nilai Nilai Tradisional Dan Non Tradisional Dalam Pancasila by Djoko Philosophy and Totality Lectures Delivered Under the Auspices of the Department of Scholastic Philosophy by Belfast Beyond Reduction Philosophy of Mind and Post Reductionist Philosophy of Science by Steven Horst Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists And Other Essays by Louis Althusser Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Rorty and the Mirror of Nature Routledge Philosophy Guidebooks by James Tartaglia Iman Kristen Dan Pancasila by T.B. Simatupang Pancasila Meniti Zaman by Lia Aminuddin Gedung Pancasila by Suprapto Hardjoutomo Pancasila dan Perdamaian Dunia by Sukarno Revolusi Pancasila by Yudi Latif
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