Chapter 10 – The Passage of Knighthood
As the Ebon Hawk drifted through Hyperspace, TK took the straps off his shoulders as he sank into the pilot's chair. Finally overcoming Korriban, he and Kari were finally heading home, a journey that would take them two hours at least. Feeling restless, TK got up and walked out to the main hold and inserted the piece of the Star Map from Korriban into the galaxy map projector at the center of the ship. Picking out small details, he noticed that the two planets that were found lied in a diagonal fashion. 'This puzzle is getting more confusing by the minute… where could this accursed space station be?'
The rare dialogue options available to dark sided players who make Korriban their final planet and Master Uthar their ally. This dialogue exists in the base. Darth Revan's Mask - Star Wars KOTOR: 'With the mask, however, Revan was an icon, a symbol. He was the shaper of history, an individual defined by his actions rather than his thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.' Before the rebooting of the Star Wars canon with The Force Awakens, one of th.
His thoughts persisted until he felt another presence enter the room. Kari had taken off her Jedi robes and replaced them with a beautiful silk nightgown. Stepping through the main hold, Kari felt the cool metal sting her bare feet as she walked around, placing her hands on TK's shoulders. 'Has anyone ever told you that you work too much?' Kari asked, giving a smirk towards the man that had just saved her life.
'Many times, I'm trying to decipher this puzzle that leads towards the Star Forge. It looks like Manaan is our next planet of exploration.' TK said as he placed one of his hands over Kari's. He turned off the galaxy map and turned around to face her. 'Did you hear what I had said to you over our bond?' TK had hoped that she had heard every word that he had spoken inside the tomb.
Kari smiled at this and kissed him right on the lips. She caressed his cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Breaking away, she began to speak, 'Does that answer your question?' she gave a devilish look as TK nodded. 'I love you so much TK, I always have. Now that we conquered Korriban, I've decided that no one is taking me away from you.'
TK planted his lips against hers one more time. Instead of it being a peck like they were used to, this kiss tasted of true passion. The love these two shared for each other could be felt around the ship, if there was anyone to feel it that is. What only mattered to TK was that he was alone with the woman he loved, and no one could stop him.
Kari broke the kiss as she stroked his chin. Trailing her fingers down, she dug through his Jedi robes and felt his chest. She rubbed her fingers around the center, noticing the muscles that had become more apparent as TK had gotten older. 'You know… I believe we've earned some time to explore more than just planets.' She whispered into his ear.
TK felt his fingers quiver as his entire body shook at the idea Kari had just planted in his head. They were indeed alone, and they had just survived one of the biggest threats a Padawan could ever face. 'You know something Kari… I couldn't agree more.' TK said with sweat starting to rub down his face as goosebumps came into view. 'Is that why you wore that beautiful dress?'
'Maybe...' She replied with a wink. She then led TK down the hall with the seductive tone of her voice to the starboard dormitories. 'I want you, TK.' Kari said as she readied herself for what they were about to do.
TK gave an evil look towards Kari as he began to tease her with kisses placed along her cheek and neck. 'Be careful what you wish for, milady.' He whispered into her ear.
She clawed at his neck as she heard the whisper. Digging her nails in, she started to nip at his ear, her tongue doing the rest of the work. She quickly stopped this and closed the door behind them. 'You're all mine now.' She said with an evil tone in her voice. What happened on the way back to Alderaan is for TK and Kari to know only, as the bond of love took hold of the two Jedi. Now they would become more powerful than ever. But of course, even the greatest of love stories has its spies.
Tai and Sora walked into the cantina at the Jedi Temple, holding hands as soon as they noticed no other Jedi were present in the room. Tai felt himself be rushed over with complete happiness, as his life was finally where he wanted it to be. He felt Kari's presence leave Korriban, and he was with the woman of his dreams. Nothing could make him feel any happier.
Atton looked up from the bar as he noticed the two lovebirds walk in the door. 'Well I'll be a Wookiees uncle. It's about time you two got together. Now that pile of bantha fodder Hulas owes me 5,000 credits.' Atton said laughing as he placed two glasses in front of the two Jedi.
Sora laughed at the remark where Atton said he was owed 5,000 credits. 'Tai here has a certain way of sweeping a girl off her feet. Especially with that cute little face of his.' She moved over to pinch his cheeks in as he rolled his eyes in response. 'To make matters even more better, Kari and TK just finished their mission on Korriban and are heading back home. So, you better clear space and set out two drinks for your favorite customers.' Sora finished as she sat down at the bar and started to drink her glass of Juma Juice.
Tai began to sit down, but perked up a bit with a weird feeling from his Padawan. 'Oh Sora, if only you knew what my Padawan is doing right now.' Tai said as he sipped his glass.
Sora eyed him curiously, 'What is she doing? Why are you perky suddenly?'
'Her and TK have finally confessed their love for one another. They're using the ship to do it.'
Sora's eyes went wide as she analyzed the response Tai had given her. Kari had consummated with TK, and the bond between Master and Apprentice would not hide the feeling of love. She didn't know whether to feel happy, sad, or confused. It seems that no one was following the Jedi Code anymore. It was her duty as a spiritual master and Jedi Sentinel to help uphold the code to the highest standard. But now she was breaking it.
'It's ironic. The minute I start breaking the Jedi Code, everyone else starts to as well.' She took another sip of her Juma Juice as she noticed Tai staring at an empty table next to the window that overlooked the courtyard. 'What are you thinking, Tai?' She asked as she raised her brow in confusion.
'It's been a while since we played a game of Pazaak, what do you say we give the cards a try.' Tai started to walk to the table, pulling the cards out of one of his pouches. Sora walked behind him, carefully trying not to trip over the chairs that were left out of place. Sitting down, Tai shuffled the deck and picked out four random cards for Sora and himself.
'I'll play with you on one condition.'
'What's that?' Tai asked as he picked up his cards.
'We use Nar Shaddaa rules.' Sora said giggling.
Tai's face flashed a bright pink as even Atton fell down behind the bar in confusion. 'We what?!'
'You heard me, Nar Shaddaa rules. Are you afraid, Master Kaimya?' Sora taunted as she laid the first card down.
Tai picked up a card to lay on his side. 'Tai Kamiya is not afraid of a challenge, Master Takenouchi.' He waited for Sora to take her turn. His hand consisted of a +1/-1 card, a +5/-5 card, a +1T tiebreaker, and a -3 card. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use any the first set.
Sora placed a 7 card down on the mat, bringing her total to 14 with the previous 7 she had played earlier. Her cards consisted of a -2 card, a +4 card, a +6/-6 card, and a -1 card. She was more than ready to take on Tai and his hand. She placed her +6/-6 card with the plus side facing up, totaling her to 20. 'Well, look who's already at 20. My dear Tai, it seems you'll have to be the first to lose something.' She said, eyeing his tunic.
Tai started to sweat at the position he was in. It was only the first set of the game, and he was already losing. He pulled out a 9 card, coupling with the 10 he had pulled earlier giving him a total of 19. Normally, he would have stood and lost the set, but he had the one card that she didn't expect. 'Oh Sora, if only you knew what I had in my hand.'
'What could it possibly be? If it's a +1 card, then we'll just tie. You can't win this one Tai.'
Tai placed his +1T card down on his mat. 'My card begs to differ.' He had a smug grin planted all over his face. 'I win this one Sora.'
Sora looked on in disbelief at the mat. He had beaten her already in one set, and with a card that was thought to be only for the Pazaak tournament winners on Nar Shaddaa. 'I can't believe you have that card. I thought they were only for winners of the tournaments on Nar Shaddaa.'
Tai sat back in his seat, arching it up and balancing himself on his toes. 'Master Ulic did a number of things before I became his Padawan so many years ago.' Tai eyed her outer tunic. 'Now you know the rules Sora. You wanted Nar Shaddaa rules, now you have to play by them.'
'Oh fine.' Sora started to take her outer tunic and tabbards off, revealing the tight bodysuit that clung to her skin. Colored sand brown just like her regular set of robes, she flung her outer tunic across to Tai's face.
Tai's eyes went wide at the sight of Sora in the bodysuit that covered her skin. 'By the Force, is that for me Sora? You shouldn't have.'
Sora rolled her eyes at the comment. 'Eyes down at the mat, my dear, we've still got a game to play.' She said as she placed a 5 card down on her mat. This was going to be an interesting game. That was for sure.
In Matt's quarters, Matt and Cody were in a kneeling position on mats that Matt had. Meiko stands over the two of them as she prepares to give her lesson. This would be her first time teaching the Grey philosophy to anyone so she was a little nervous for how she would do but she is confident enough that she knew she could do it.
'Ok, you two. The first thing I want you to do is relax and meditate.' She instructed. 'Clear your minds and feel all that is around you.'
Matt and Cody nod in understanding and comply with Meiko's demand. The two of them closed their eyes and relaxed their minds. They could feel the Force flowing through them, making the world seem much more at ease and carefree than it really was. They listened as Meiko continued to give them visuals to reflect on.
'Feel the temple around you. Strip away the metal and feel the minds of everyone present.' She said, almost in a dream-like state. 'Hear their thoughts, their worries, with more space than can fill the space of the Ebon Hawk.'
Even in his relaxed state, Cody could not help but feel uncomfortable by this command. His master had always told him it was wrong to listen in to the thoughts of others so why was Meiko asking him to do it now?
'Is that an immoral use of the Force, Meiko?' He asks. 'Listening to the thoughts of others, I mean.'
Meiko shakes her head. 'Certainly not, young Cody. We are simply feeling everything around us to center us. Sometimes hearing the thoughts of others allows you to relax and feel how powerful the Force is in each and every one of us.'
She gives him an interested look.
'Didn't your master ever have you do this?'
Even with his eyes closed, Cody shook his head. 'No, never,' he replied. 'He always considered this immoral.'
'Of course his master would say that.' Meiko rolled her eyes. Master Kido was one hard Jedi to figure out because he was full of contradictions and hypocrisy but still acted like he had the moral high ground.
'Feeling the energy of the others around you is by no means immoral,' she said. 'Relax and just do as I tell you.'
That made Cody feel even more unsettled but he swallows it down and keeps his mind open. He closes his eyes once again and tries to feel the Force.
Meiko turns to Matt, who is already in a dream-like state with his hands folded on his lap and in a lotus position. He looked like he was deep in concentration.
'What do you feel, Matt?' She asks.
'This is…incredible.' Matt replied, feeling the energy around him. 'I feel everything. Their hopes, their dreams, their lusts.'
Meiko raises an eyebrow in interest. 'Lusts? What do you mean?'
'Tai. He's done something against the code.'
Cody spoke beside him. 'I sense it too.'
'What?' Meiko asked impatiently.
Matt broke his meditative state to open his eyes. 'Meiko, do you know that Jedi are not allowed to be in romantic relationships?'
She nods. 'I am aware of that. What does this have to do with Master Kamiya?'
'He and Sora have done the one thing that you can never do as a Jedi,' he replies. 'They have given in to their passions and performed the action of love. She is no longer pure.'
Meiko's eyes went so wide that they looked like they would knock her glasses off her face. 'You mean…?'
Matt nodded in confirmation. The group that he had been a part of for years was finally starting to form its own sects within.
The Ebon Hawk flung out of hyperspace, shaking the entire ship. TK jolted up from his position, noticing Kari was still laying on top of him.
'Kari? Sweetheart, it's time to wake up. We're back home.' He started to get up and gather his clothes. He managed to get his pants on before Kari started to bustle out of the bed.
'Already? That was a short trip, next time we need to take the long way around Balmorra.' Kari said to her lover as she started to get dressed. She looked up at TK, whose bare chest was still laced with sweat.
'I could stare at that chest of yours all day. You really are the macho man if you know what I mean.' She said with a wink as she got her upper tunic on.
TK walked out of the dormitory and found his way to the cockpit. Alderaan still shone brightly with beauty unrivaled. He smiled as he started to make his descent, but noticed something come up on the scanners.
'That's odd… another ship is coming out of Hyperspace, and it's not transmitting an ID signature.' Kari joined TK at the cockpit to view what was transpiring.
A Sith Interdictor class Destroyer had exited Hyperspace, though showed no signs of moving into attack position. The communications panel blinked, indicating the visitors wished to hail the ship. Kari sat in the co-pilots seat, answering the call.
'This is Kari Kamiya of the Jedi Order, we are receiving your transmission. You are in Republic Territory. State your business, otherwise we shall be forced to defend ourselves.' Kari spoke as the hologram flickered to life.
The figure that come to view was none other than Darth Revan. Clad in his signature dark robes and armor, the Dark Lord of the Sith was unmoved by Kari's brief message.
'I am not here for a fight, young Padawan. I am here to broker an armistice between our people.' Revan removed his mask to reveal his handsome face, unscarred by the Dark Side's power. Whatever trick he was trying, it was clear to the two Padawans that he would try everything to succeed.
TK began to speak, 'How do we know that you mean the truth? You could be fabricating something just so we lower our defenses and make an easy target to conquer.' He started the landing cycle as the Jedi Temple came into view. Revan's shuttle followed him, though it kept its distance, instead choosing another landing pad.
'I can assure you that my proposal is purely genuine. Your brothers would both know that I speak the truth and can be trusted. At least, they trusted me before the Mandalorian Wars.' Revan said in the hologram. He flicked some of his brown hair out of his face as his shuttle shook with the force of the landing. 'I am sure that you will want me escorted inside. Be careful not to attract too much… attention to yourselves. You two lovebirds seem to have been through a great deal since Korriban.' Revan said with a smirk on his face. 'I will be awaiting your arrival.'

The hologram faded as TK and Kari started to walk towards the ramp. As it extended, TK wondered how Revan knew exactly what they had been through since leaving to go to Korriban. They hadn't been followed by the Centurion cruiser either, so how did he know they were on the Sith Homeworld. Then it hit him, 'Those Sith spirits… they said they would tell Revan of our arrival on the planet'.
Walking over to the other landing pad that was present, Kari held her lightsaber by her side with the blade already activated. 'I just survived Korriban, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the Dark Lord of the Sith ruin everything right here at our own home.' She said with venom laced in her words. She reminded herself not to let anger take over, but it was extremely hard, seeing as how the person who had caused so much destruction in the recent years was standing right in front of her.
Revan still had his masked removed as he walked forward to the two Padawans.
'My how you two have grown. It's been so long, and I see you've mastered the trial of spirit.' He tried to casually speak to his escorts, though they were not in the mood for talking. He didn't mind one bit as he was here for one reason. The armistice between the Sith and Republic was key to providing stabilization to the Empire, and he could hardly wait to see what the entire Jedi Council would say of his little proposal.
'Cut the formalities, Revan,' Kari spat. 'We know what you are.'
Arriving at the Council chamber, Revan walked in, still surrounded by TK and Kari. Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, and Meiko all stood at the center with Joe and the rest of the council sitting in their pod-like chairs. Joe sat directly next to High Master Nomi Sunrider, as he was still a trainee. Council members in-training traditionally sat next to the High Master so they can learn the ropes a little before they are finally elected to their position.
'I can see that you all have yet to redecorate. I strongly suggest it. This look has long faded from popularity.' Revan chided as he arrived at the center of the chamber.
Joe is the first to speak. 'Darth Revan, we understand that you are here for an armistice between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.'
Tai and the others look on from the window behind the seats as Revan shifted his footing.
'That is correct, Master Kido. I seek to establish a 5-month cease fire between our governments. The Sith Empire has exhausted all of its resources, and the Galactic Republic has shown that it does not have the man power to finish us off.'
Revan smiles at the looks he is receiving from the rest of the council as he continued, '5 months to which neither side will attempt battle or espionage of any kind. If one side breaks this, the opposing side will be given command of the sector that was violated. I trust these are agreeable terms?' He lowers his hood to see all the other Jedi Masters in the room.
Joe's master, Nomi Sunrider, spoke up from the silence. 'I do not sense any ulterior motive from you… it seems you are a Sith who keeps his word. Or more likely, the Jedi Order still has its place within you.'
Revan glared at Nomi. 'Do not insult me with such a phrase, Nomi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you all do. I use both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force to help end this conflict. It would be much easier if you all would just surrender. However, I never walk away from a challenge.'

Joe, unable to stand Revan talking down to the High Master like that, stood up and activated his lightsaber. 'You will not speak to her that way again, you monster.' He growled.
'Joe, don't.' Nomi tried to stop her former apprentice but it was too late.
Joe lunges at Revan, who quickly activated his red saber to block the Jedi Master's blue blade.
Kotor 2 Korriban Sealed Door
'If you wish to challenge me, then you need only ask.' Revan taunted as Joe tried to strike again and again. Revan blocked each attack with ease.
Joe tries to use Dun Möch to lower his opponent's confidence. 'What's wrong, Revan? I thought the Dark Lord of the Sith would be more powerful than this.'
Revan saw through Joe's attempts to demoralize him. 'If you're going to use Dun Möch, then at least know how to use it effectively.'
With that, Revan punches Joe in the stomach, taking all the air from the Jedi Master. He doubled over in pain as Revan, to add insult to injury, slashed Joe across the thigh. A cry of pain was all that could be heard from the Jedi Master as he fell to the ground, clutching his leg with gritted teeth.
Tai and the others could not stand to be on the sidelines anymore and burst into the council chambers, blocking Revan from attacking Joe even more.
'It seems you are an unworthy opponent, Kido.' Revan taunted. 'I would assume someone who is training to be a council member would be far stronger.'
Tai entered the conversation in haste. 'Revan, we agree to your terms, now please leave.'
The others stood over Joe's battered body as Revan raised his hood.
'Of course, old friend. Though I will warn you, the Star Forge is not for the faint of heart. Seek it at your own risk.' Revan puts on his mask as he leaves the council chamber. Tai and the others all turned to Joe as he struggles to get up. Sora and Izzy immediately placed their shoulders under his arms to support him, the slash across his thigh still simmering.
'Whatever he's doing, I want that workout.' Joe said with a chuckle as he fixed his glasses on his face. He looked around to see concerned faces. 'Don't worry, everyone, I am fine, though it seems I still have much to learn.'
Meiko spoke up from her silence. 'That's an understatement.'
This garnered laughs from TK, Kari, and Mimi as Sora helped Joe to his chair. Nomi gave him a scornful look.
'That was reckless what you did, Joe.' She chided. 'He could have killed you. You will know better than to rush into a battle recklessly.'
'Forgive me, Master.' Joe bowed his head in understanding, his face plastered with an apologetic look. 'I am sorry.'
'In any case, we have 5 months of peace. I say we take a little 'vacation' on Manaan.' Tai tries to lighten things up.
Korriban Walkthrough Kotor
Meiko moved over to where Matt is standing. He stared out the window as the Interdictor Destroyer fled the system.
'A vacation would do us some good. Manaan is a neutral system, and we could gain a foothold with Republic forces stationed on the planet.' Matt said as he turned to face the Council. He noticed TK and Kari step forward to present the Star Map piece from Korriban.
'Oh, that's right! How could I forget?' Matt then took the piece from them as he examined the piece. 'How was your trial of spirit Padawans?'
Kari breathed a sigh of relief at the question. 'It was incredible. I had no idea that much darkness existed in me, however, I was able to conquer it to recover the star map peace.' She said as she thought of what she had gone through. Her and TK would hopefully become Jedi Knights with their passage of the trial and she would be able to keep the galaxy safe from anyone that would do it harm.
'Yes Master, we conquered the Dark Side within us, though we know that it will always remain. As we know, the shadow of the dark can never be truly extinguished.' TK said as he bowed before his master.
Matt looked up at the rest of the Council. Tai joined him as he placed his shoulders over Kari. 'I move that we make Kari and TK Knights of the Jedi Order.' Tai said as he noticed the other Jedi nod in agreement.
'It is unusual that we do the passage of Knighthood this way, but we will make an exception, given our dire circumstances.' Nomi said as she and the other masters ignited their lightsabers. 'Step forward Padawans.'
Kotor Korriban Guide
Kari and TK stepped forward and knelt as Nomi continued with the Knighting ceremony.
Kotor Korriban Pillars
'By the right of the council, by the will of the Force. Dub thee I do, Jedi… Knights of the Republic.' Nomi took the bands off Kari and TK, signifying that they were Padawan Learners no longer. They were full-fledged Jedi Knights. The courage they had displayed on Korriban would be needed in the trials ahead, as the Star Forge still lingered in the unknown regions, where the Sith waited, in the cold, dark, depths of space.