Blake Snyder Beat Sheet

THE BLAKE SNYDER BEAT SHEET PROJECT TITLE: GENRE: DATE: 1. Opening Image (1): 2. Theme Stated (5): 3. Set-Up (1-10): 4. Catalyst (12): 5. Debate (12-25): 6.

  1. Blake Snyder Beat Sheet
  2. Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Calculator
  3. Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Example
  4. Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Explained
  5. Beat Sheet Format
  6. Save The Cat Beat Sheet Blank


  • Jul 12, 2020 But another subplot ensues, commonly a love story. Blake Snyder suggests this at around Page 30 to illustrate the theme of your film. The Matrix does not conform to this succinctly (remember, the Save the Cat beat sheet template only gives you suggested page counts). The B Story is the blossoming romance between Neo and Trinity.
  • Blake Snyder Beat Sheet 🎓Mean girls Opening image: The first image seen is of a girl's parent's telling their daughter goodbye and to have a good first day at school.

Movie TITLE: Toy Story

1. Opening Image (1): Andy is playing with Woody in his room.

2. Theme Stated (5): it’s about toys that are alive

3. Set-Up (1-10): toys come alive and talk to one another

Blake Snyder Beat Sheet

4. Catalyst (12): Andy receives buzz light-year as a gift at his birthday. He is the new favorite toy.

5. Debate (12-25): Woody doesn’t like Buzz and makes plans to get buzz out of the house.

6. Break into Two (25): Andy and his family go to pizza planet with Buzz and Woody but first they had to get some gas. So while Andy and his mom was in the store woody and buzz start fighting and falls out the car.

7. B Story (30): Meets aliens in claw machine. Sid plays the claw game and he gets buzz and woody.

Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Calculator

8. Fun and Games (30-55): When Sid (Sid is the next door neighbor who destroys toys) takes Woody and Buzz back to his place

Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Example

9. Midpoint (55): Woody makes an escape plan to leave Sid’s house. But Buzz sees a commercial on TV for a Buzz ad and tries to fly, but fails and breaks his wing.

10. Bad Guys Close In (55-75): Sid sees that Buzz’s wing is broke and takes him out of his room and goes outside in his backyard and attaches Buzz to a rocket.

11. All Is Lost (75): While Buzz is attached to the rocket Woody escapes from Sid’s room with the destroyed toys Sid as tormented. Then they went to the backyard and saved Buzz. But they had to catch the moving van because Andy is leaving his house.

Blake Snyder Beat Sheet Explained

12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): they run towards the moving van but don’t catch up. Woody and buzz think there going to never see Andy again but the toys help them out.


Beat Sheet Format

13. Break into Three (85): the toys try to help woody and buzz get on to the moving van, but Mr. Potatoe head doesn’t want to help them. But then the little car helps buzz and woody but dies. Then woody lights up the rocket on buzz back and goes flying towards the van where Andy is in.

Save The Cat Beat Sheet Blank

14. Finale (85-110): woody and buzz fall into the box that’s sitting by Andy.

15. Final Image (110): it’s Christmas and woody and buzz think that Andy is going to get a new toy, but instead he gets a puppy.